Saturday, 29 December 2012

2012 Blog Stars

Everyone did an excellent job on their blog work this past semester.  Featured below are what I thought were the best of the best (I might have missed some- so if you think you're in the running and I didn't include you, please let me know!!!!)
 Click on student's name to see their posts. (If you want to see every post, click older posts at the end)  
Way to go, guys and gals!
Kira                        Saanya
Anya                      Sophia C
Sophia D                Erin
Katya                     Lukas
Rio                         Elena
Riya                       Sandrina
Avantika                April
Kevin                     Grace T
Neha                       London
Riya D

Science Buddies

Showing learning through teaching - Here's a glimpse of working with our science buddies before Christmas break. You did such a great job of this. See you next semester!

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Physical Change

As we delve into our study of chemical and physical change - let me share two very unexpected physical changes with you.
Oobleck and mentos/diet coke. Enjoy!


Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Prepare for Test

Our upcoming end of unit test will be next week - November 20/21.  To practice some vocabulary click on this review. (don't worry about knowing pancreas - all others you should know)  In addition to studying your journal, blog work , and vocabulary -  look over the past post of Clinical Trials.  Graphing will also be part of the test so be sure you know the guidelines for setting up a good graph (like we did in class)
Some information to review - click on the words below.....

Good experimental design

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Clinical Trial 6A Data

Clinical Trial 6A Data

Halloween Science

Side Effects

During our simulation of clinical trials we talked about side effects.  Check out the video of the side effects David experienced after his dental surgery.  Love it!

Sunday, 28 October 2012

Clinical Trials

When trying to find a cure for Pellagra, Golberger performed what was to be referred to as a 'clinical trial'. Today clinical trials are used to test new medicines and procedures.  To further understand clinical trials, click on the image and follow the tutorial.
If you want some extra credit, then create a blog post explaining all about clinical trials. Be creative with your post.  Try to go beyond just using text.  Maybe use an xtranormal cartoon or something like that.  In addition to explaining a clinical trial, talk about protocol, placebos, and consent. Either on the form below - or in your journal - define each term.

Saturday, 13 October 2012

Studying People Scientifically

From Saving Fred to All Aboard, approaching problems involves well thought out methods.
What if you're studying people instead of solving a problem like we did in class today?  Does the problem solving method change?  Do you need to think about what's ethical with human testing? What's right and wrong? Next class we will be looking into one doctor's attempt at solving a serious health problem which existed in the Southern United States in the 1900s.  Watch the video (click on Dr. Goldberger's picture) and think about these questions:
1.  What was the problem of pellagra?
2.  What did people think caused pellegra?
3.   What evidence did Dr. Goldberger observe or collect about pellegra?
4.  What did Dr. Goldberger conclude about the cause of pellegra?
5.  What are your thoughts about the right and the wrong in Dr. Goldberger's testing to solve this problem?

For more information on Dr. Goldberger and Pellegra - see 

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Density of Liquids and Solids

We've completed a number of labs on density of solids and liquids. For more practice- pick from two optional pieces of homework. You don't have to do both to get the 'bucks'. Just pick one that suits your fancy.

Kitchen Layers- follow the guidelines on this sheet but instead of drawing a picture and explaining - make a blog post with a photo or video and include an explanation - immiscible, interface, density etc.

Gizmo - click on the interactive density picture in this post and it will take to you to gizmos. Log in and go to the density lab we played with in class. Fill out this sheet as
you manipulate the shapes and find their volume, mass, and density.

Tuesday, 25 September 2012


The next concept we'll touch on briefly is density.  As defined it is - The amount of mass per cubic volume and the unit we use is g/cm3 (that is supposed to be a superscript 3 but I don't know how to make it on this format!). Think about what g/cm3 might really mean. To help understand what density is, click on my picture and listen up.To help understand how to calculate the density of an object, watch Nathan's video .  You'll see a familiar face! (and I hope you know the song 'Popular'.)
 When you're finished listening to me and watching the video, please give a quick explanation below.  If the form doesn't show up at the bottom of this post then just write a brief understanding of density in your log book.  Hopefully the form works and you can submit it.

Sunday, 23 September 2012

Holy Gumball Batman!

Today in class you brainstormed and explored ways to find out how much of a gum's mass is sugar.  After much discussion and setting standards to control variables you found the answer! Holy Gumball Batman, that's alot of sugar! Hope you have fun recording it all on your blog. Remember - if you have difficulties with the video, then just write about the experiment and include an image to help the reader understand.
(This post is for Monday's class only - Classes that have science on Tuesday aren't quite here yet)

Click on this picture to find out just how many sugar cubes are in your favorite foods.

Monday, 10 September 2012

Mass vs. Weight

Next science class, we'll be doing a lab called Looking for Mr. Mass.  Watch this video and sing along! Do you recognize the song? If you don't, I bet your parents will! Have good fun with it. He's a quirky, goofy, guy! Below the video is one question I'd like you to answer. Don't forget to scroll down. 
And by the way - I'll give a worm buck to anyone who comes into science class singing the chorus to the song!

Saturday, 8 September 2012

Blogging Survey

This is your opportunity to share your feelings, thoughts, and ideas regarding our newly created blogs. I look forward to reading your responses! One great thing about blogging is that we will be constantly learning from each other and sharing our work.

Monday, 3 September 2012

Well Done!

In the last couple of days we put 'science' on the back burner and have been hot to trot with setting up our blogs.  You now all have a blog and have included many features and links that will come in quite handy in the future.  You should have the following on your blog:

  • One homework calendar for all subjects - some with daily agenda as well.
  • All Gamma A teacher blog links
  • Gamma A website link
  • One post with labels all set and ready to go.

If you got lost and dazed along the way - please don't stress!  Just come to me and we'll set up a time to redo everything  together.  It is such a cool tool to use - I don't want anyone feeling overwhelmed. Please just come and see me - or try to use the instruction links at the end of this post to reset anything you need to.
Make sure you finish your welcome blog post before next class. I look forward to sharing and commenting with you!  Happy Blogging!

Setting up your Blogger Account
Making Labels

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Ratu Meli School in Fiji Gets New Sanitation

You Saved A School!!!  Because of the fundraising some of you did during the water project, Ratu Meli school will NOT be shut down. They will be building a new sanitation system with your money!  Spectacular!
This is the video Miss Carter shared with us.  I'm not sure why it didn't embedd properly. Everything looks like it's in a bubble, but watch again anyway.  Tears to my eyes!  Thank you, Miss Carter!!

Friday, 11 May 2012

Chemistry in the Classroom

What a blast learning about chemical and physical changes.  Lots of experiments, surprises, and exploration.  Hope you're enjoying your cabbage experiment at home.

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Making a Difference - Part I

Great job everyone!  Can't wait to see what you all do with your earnings.

Monday, 2 April 2012

Water Chemistry!

As we segue into our study of chemistry, think about all of the connections chemistry has with water -  from the water molecule itself, to the chemicals used for water sanitation.
A few years ago, shortly after the Haiti disaster, I was watching Larry King Live.  I was astonished at this little packet of chemicals called PUR and the tremendous change it could make in the lives of thousands.  Take a look.

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Happy World Water Day! March 22 is an organization dedicated to making a huge difference when it comes to water!  They recently had a video competition - Check out this winner and the three runner ups! I like the last one the best!

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Water Project Ideas

Click on the link below to see a list of ideas generated by students.  If you have more to add, please add them!  I hope this helps.

Sunday, 11 March 2012

What's Being Done?

A voicethread is an interesting interactive way to share ideas.  If you found an excellent water solution out there - please post it to this voicethread.  Put a  picture of the solution you researched and give some information about it - either with text or voice.

You will first need to register with them.  When you do, be sure to watch all  the tutorials on how to use it.  Hopefully when we're finished we'll have a compilation of a great number of innovations and ideas to share. Be sure to identify yourself as well.  Here's the voicethread link. (This is not a mandatory assignment)

Wednesday, 7 March 2012


You came up with some splendid solutions to your water problem in class.   Now spend some time online to see if any of your solutions are already out there. Look through the websites and find at least 2-3 real solutions in your category. Post them on your blog (with pictures).  Make sure you have a an introductory paragraph and an explanation of each solution.  Here are a few websites to start with - Circle of Blue - top solutions, ICTThe water projectGlobal Water ChallengeThe Other 90 .  But there are so many more - so search on.

Monday, 5 March 2012

Finding Facts about the Global Water Crisis

Find 2 facts which support the statement that we have a global fresh water crisis.  Post them on your blog and be ready to share them in class.  Make sure you write a brief introduction on your post.

Sunday, 19 February 2012

Attack of the Antibiotic

Another creation by Mystery Student Ruski

Welcome All Viruses

Mystery Student extra credit assignment complete.
Get it???  Take a very close look.
Students, be sure to submit your cartoons for extra credit.

Cell WebQuest

Searching for basic fact....
Check out the following websites and answer the questions

WEBSITE #1  Brainpop - kingdoms 
  1.  Scientists used to classify life into two kingdoms - the plant and the animal.  They now classify all life into six different kingdoms.  List the six kingdoms of life and briefly describe each one:
1.       -
2.       -
3.       -
4.       -
5.       -
6.       -

  1. What does it mean to be Unicellular?
  2. What does it mean to be Multicellular?
  3. Are we uni or multi? 
WEBSITE#2  Brainpop - cells -
  1. What is a cell?
  2. Cells are categorized as either
    1. Prokaryotic -
    2. Eukaryotic -
  3. Humans are made up of ___________________ cells.
  4. Why do different cells in the body look differently?
  5. Your body is made up of an estimated ____________________________ cells.  That's enough to stretch around the Earth ______ times.
 WEBSITE #3 - Cellsalive -

CLICK ON “take me to the animation” NOW, CLICK ON “animal cell”

1    Which part of the cell surrounds the cell and allows molecules in and out. This cell part also has holes in it and is said to be SEMI-PERMEABLE. ___________________________

An organelle is a specialized cell part that has a specific role to play.  All cells have many organelles in the cyptoplasm (also called the cytosol). 

2   Which organelle contains DNA? __

3   Which organelle is the storage center for food and water? _____
4.  Which organelle provides energy for the cell?______

Now go back and CLICK ON THE “PLANT CELL”. Again, IDENTIFY the cell parts (diagram adapted from 

 1. Which organelle is the storage center for food and water?

2. Which part supports the cell?

3. Which part allows substances in and out of the cell?

4. Which organelle contains chlorophyll, which is responsible for photosynthesis (how a plant makes its own food) -

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

What an Opportunity!

Thanks to  Hana M., I enjoyed a private tour of world class bioimaging and the chance to operate an electron microscope. Absolutely thrilling!  We looked at three electron microscopes, including the Titan Krios - a five million dollar microscope of which there are only fifteen in the world.  What an experience!  Imagine if you could actually view the microbe you're studying right now.  Imagine.
An image of a virus discovered in Yellowston
This was viewed with the Titan Krios
Operating a 1.8 million dollar electron microscope!

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Humorous Microbes!

Gary Larson is one of my favorite cartoonists - the creator of the Far Side - a very famous single panel cartoon series.  Satirical, humorous - and always a play on words.  Check out this one that plays on the structure of amoebas.  Do you get it?
Perhaps you're the next Gary Larson.  For extra credit, create a cartoon of a microbe - any kind of microbe - bacteria, protist, virus - anything.  Just make sure the cartoon shows your understanding of both the structure and the function of the microbe.  Have fun and good luck!  Bring it in any time within the next couple of weeks.

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Dengue, Anyone?

 A number of days ago, during our investigation of microscopic organisms, I walked into the lab and was overwhelmed with the stench of decay.  Beakers full of dead tubifex worms.  Oooh, nasty!  We disposed of them in a pitcher outside and then pretty much forgot about it. When I finally remembered (many days and rainfalls later) I found it crawling with new life forms! Hundreds of them - all in various stages of development.  Fascinating.  They are now nicely evolving under controlled conditions in the lab.  Let's see what happens.
Here's a short clip on the life cycle of a mosquito

Microscopic view of larvae (180X)
 And..... think twice before you leave water laying out in Singapore!  Fine indeed.

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Microlife in a Drop of Water!

Watch carefully!  They're awfully fast.  Unfortuntaely you can't see any detail in this video, but you can certainly see they're there!  Using the compound microscope we identified paramecium, rotifers, and stentors. When you record your digital image make sure you focus well and preview before you post.