A number of days ago, during our investigation of microscopic organisms, I walked into the lab and was overwhelmed with the stench of decay. Beakers full of dead tubifex worms. Oooh, nasty! We disposed of them in a pitcher outside and then pretty much forgot about it. When I finally remembered (many days and rainfalls later) I found it crawling with new life forms! Hundreds of them - all in various stages of development. Fascinating. They are now nicely evolving under controlled conditions in the lab. Let's see what happens.
Here's a
short clip on the life cycle of a mosquito
Microscopic view of larvae (180X) |
And..... think twice before you leave water laying out in Singapore!
Fine indeed.
Hello Mrs. Hill, I thought that the video of the life cycle was really cool but it gave me the creeps when the mosquito came out of the pupa. How does it walk without so much as making the slightest ripple in the water?