Sunday 23 September 2012

Holy Gumball Batman!

Today in class you brainstormed and explored ways to find out how much of a gum's mass is sugar.  After much discussion and setting standards to control variables you found the answer! Holy Gumball Batman, that's alot of sugar! Hope you have fun recording it all on your blog. Remember - if you have difficulties with the video, then just write about the experiment and include an image to help the reader understand.
(This post is for Monday's class only - Classes that have science on Tuesday aren't quite here yet)

Click on this picture to find out just how many sugar cubes are in your favorite foods.

1 comment:

  1. Mrs Hill,
    How did you create a image that has a link to a website when clicked on? Did you hyperlink? If so, how did you do it?

    Block F
